Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Monthly Recap: January

Posting this a day late, which I am blaming on post-Superbowl tiredness (side note: Go Pats!) Here is the round up of everything I read in January. Which it turns out wasn't very much...

My first book of the year. I loved Gone Girl; it was amazing. There are so many jaw dropping moments and the characterisation is superb. I think the film comes onto Sky movies this week, so I'm looking forward to watching it soon.

Half Bad was on my list of series to start this year. It also has a male protagonist, so ticks two challenge boxes. I liked the take on magic that Half Bad had and am interested to see where the concept goes next in Half Wild. The class system was also really intriguing and reminded me a bit of Harry Potter, but that was the only similarity I spotted between the two - Half Bad is a unique idea.

The first of my classics ticked off and I can now say that I have read all of Jane Austen's novels! I liked Fanny a lot because she was shy and reserved, so reminded me more of myself than most Jane Austen heroines. As with most Austen novels though, I can't help but feel slightly unsatisfied with the romantic conclusions...

I'm including Tess on the list even though I'm only half way through, so it's actually crossing over into a February read. I'm enjoying it so far even though I'm pretty certain it's not going to have a happy ending.


  1. I've watched just about every Jane Austen film and multiple versions of the stories as well, but I've yet to read one of the books! Mansfield Park was pretty good but not my favorite. Enjoy your books, Heather! :)

  2. I meant, great re-cap! I'm so in the Showcase Sunday mode for the recap posts, lol! :)
