The sun has been shining over the UK for the past few days, which has meant that I have got lots of writing done; I've started to work on a new project as well as Water and Air, which I am very excited about and am looking forward to sharing with you all one the Elements of Power trilogy has been completed. It's very different to what I have written so far, and focuses on topics and ideas which are very important to me.
Books to Borrow
I have a bit of an organisational/list obsession and recently downloaded Google Keep (despite already using Evernote, Pocket and One Note...). It has replaced Any.Do as the 'list app' on my phone and came in handy as I was walking around Waterstones a few days ago, since I used it to keep track of all the novels I'm either going to borrow from the library over the next few months, or keep an eye out for in Kindle sales.
So far, the list reads:
A certain slant of light
Anna dressed in blood
Beautiful Creatures
Newly Weds
The Madman's Daughter
Walking Disaster
Days of Blood and Starlight
Fire study
And these are just the novels I saw/thought about while in the shop, so don't include the hundreds of books on my 'To-Read' list on Goodreads.... Another book I've just heard about and really want to get hold of is 'Eve and Adam' which is a Sci-Fi novel about a girl (Eve) designing a perfect boy. It sounds like a really interesting twist on the biblical story. Oh, and I've still got the final 'Forest of Hands and Teeth' book out of the library, and my signed copy of 'Scarlet' is staring at me from my book shelf at the moment... And I went back to work today after the Easter holidays...
Too many books, too little time?
And finally, I'm really shocked and saddened to hear about the explosions in Boston. My fiance and I are planning to go there for our honeymoon this Christmas and it's somewhere that's already quite special to us. My thoughts are with those affected at this tragic and difficult time.
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